Fivey Rachmawati - Playmates February 2008

Five Vi Rahmawati was born in Surabaya, December 12, 1979. Fivey known as sinetron actress and advertising model stars. Akting mother's Bilqis Emelisqi this can be found in the event that BETAWI Drama serial broadcast in TransTV.

Vi own is a former wife of a man home in Malang, Setya Iwan Budiman, who officially divorced in 2006. Vi contest divorce her husband, after often get some of the violence suaminnya.

Vi and ex-husband, and then drag around the enmity involved seizing the rights over their children's care that, according to Vi and more living in his father's upbringing. To complete the case Vi involve NGOs also participated in Children, National Commission for Child Protection (Komnas PA) as where the conflict.

The court eventually won Five Vi of the right to foster children. However, the problem is not to finish, because the former husband Bilqis appeal and is still in his father's embrace.

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