Jessica Desilia Jelita - More Girls February 2009

Diligent open car door to its couple. This condition indicated that her always wants to the best for its couple.
Walked beside adjacent right of street moment, for example when wish across. That means the this man want to always protected its couple.
Can differentiate maximum that correctness and maximum wrong ones. That means, he even also has had target direction in this relation.
Always be in control of choice, attitude, and action that the of.
Understanding its way to behave decent to older one who. However experience and wiseness of them have accompanied us to world.
Can behave adult when face problem at all. That means, he will always become ratio when our emotion burst.
Coherent and not as yet common to in taking decision. Thus our life will not be unsolved with him.
Volunteer payee bill food, look on, and shop… Hehehe that means he/she always wants to us like.
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