Ratu Felisha - Playmates June 2009

Ratu felisha famous in Indonesian when this sexy Artist posing sexy in FHM magazine indonesia. Ratu Felisha was born on 16 October 1982. She initiated his career as a model, she has the nickname Feli. Ratu felisha has been acting in several sinetron, her name became famous when she started playing well in the film BURUAN CIUM GUE in 2004, who had invited controversy from many public, because her acting on the movie is considered to give a bad influence on young people. Aa Gym even had to give responses on that movie and change the movie title with 'Buruan Zinahi Gue'

In addition acting in several movies, Ratu Felisha also play in several sinetron, such as ABG, Si Cecep, Karunia-Mu, Udin Pe'Ak, Habibi dan Habibah, and several other films such as Sweet 17, Ada Bayi Di SMU, and Kuntilanak.

Ratu felisha have the tattoo picture queen crown in her back, tattoos and image chain in the left ankle and a tattoo in the organ vital. Ratu felisha has adopted a daughter named Dasha Godiva, which has been deems itself as a daughter.

The name of Ratu felisha had become headline news in the newspaper at the end of 2006, when the case itself involved beating of Andika, the jazz singer boyfriend Andien. Although Ratu felisha and Andhika has agreed to have the word of peace, but the Feli must remain her responsiblity deeds of the law.

After four years together with a Dutch man , Jules Korsten. eventually married the Ratu Felisha indie film actors REAL LOVE Jules Korsten on 24 December 2008, at the Mosque Imam Bonjol, South Jakarta.


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