Joana Alexandra - Playmates July 2009

Joanna Alexandra start her career since class 3 junior high school, when she make clothes in boutique of designer Adjie Notonegoro. and then she offered to become model and trainee about three month. after that she's contracted by agency of Adjie, Flash.
Child from couple Jafrey Kaerupan and Nina Larasati had been becomes models of product advertising Ponds and celebrities tv series such SI BAJAJ dan JOMBLO. Ever star film CATATAN AKHIR SEKOLAH and LEWAT TENGAH MALAM.
Joanna Alexandra also a model video clip group band like Peterpan, Omelet, Padi, Pangeran, Galagasi and Pandawa Lima. Joanna Alexandra has been married with DJ Raditya Oloan Pangabean. They have a children that name Zuriel Paris Jediah.
Joanna Alexandra ever pose in Indonesia Playboy Magazine. On may 2009 she released her new film, VIRGIN 2: BUKAN FILM PORNO. she role as a Dj. she being pregnancy and dissipated from home. Joanna also must kissing with a sexy woman on that movie.
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