Adjeng Inez Nugroho - Cyber Girls July 2004

Jeep & Male gets tattoo

entertain's area admitted by it as something that agreeable. No wonder if Adjeng Inez Nugroho have menekuninya since stills SMA. Its career is begun as photograph of model, advertising model, stand guide until then menekuni universalizes sinetron and presenter.

Now, along with crescent it age, its career is even gets fledged. Whatever that in reference to entertain she trips. Inez Nugroho, so its name is called, don't even reluctant being pointed mengurusi wardrobe.

With severally comate, Arnold Schwarzenegger's acting admirer and Leonardo At Caprio this also beginning tries to become produser.

As person kantoran has once too dilakoni. Job routine that happens after morning until night, don't evoke mood. Finally, secretaryship on one swasta's firm she departs to pitch upon. While goes on menekuni stand guide's profession, Inezpun intens at universalizes model photograph, advertising model, sinetron and presenter. This is option which felt by match for woman what do don't want bonded time problem.

Not only trifling time binding at world job which she bad blood. Pattern education that she looks on authoritarian and over dictate to make it chooses to end up term education before its term. Eventually she once studying at School Of PR's London and two times at Inter Study. Obviously as untrammeled as SMA. As more as it, Inez just follow course pass educations only, e.g. John Robert Power and Entertainment's IP.

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