Ketty Wulandari - Cyber Girls June 2004

Sex Education and Making Love

Floors air temperature base Galaxi Spa And Karaoke, particularly at salon hall feels balmy peer. This hall gets square form long, its flank exist special sofa for keramas.

While on hall middle part, one set salon outfit, including berjejer's stool and mirror is managed. At one of stool that is ketty explain its grasp in around problem Sex.

With ketty's monotonic voice announces, someone already know Sex, having superordinate savvy zoom to couple than absolutely person haven't known seks. "Seks is affection cast. On the ball, unacquainted person seks can become egoist," she said.

Sex is not taboo something for ketty and her so openended talk sex problem. "If we fear to speak, can arise various unknown diseased kind because science which very low in trouble sex. To prevent that thing, really it is better if education Sex shall be imbedded since early age," its speech is smooth.

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