Anggun C Sasmi
Anggun grow in Indonesia since child Anggun has had talent singing. At nine years old, she has created song and stepping on 12 years old, she start records her first Rock album. Album title Dunia Aku Yang Punya That Have (1986) that album was orbitted by musician Ian Antono and to be passed round by Blackboard Records.
Next Anggun, recording album both, Tua-Tua Keladi (1990), Anak PUTIH Abu-Abu (1991), Gaya Remaja (1992), Noc Turno (1992), Anggun Cipta Sasmi (1993) and last album Yang Hilang 1994.
Woman that evers be faithful with its length hair it born in Jakarta, 29th April 1975. Anggun is Darto Singo's daughter, a Herdina's artist, a female bleeds Kraton Yogyakarta. and she get married with france man, Michel de Gea.
Anggun one most obsession for go international finally move to London, United Kingdom. But in a little while concentrate develop her music talent at Paris, its husband old country.
On 1997, Anggun then successful release her album in france language, Au Nom de La Lune. One year letter she has release her english-language album, Snow on Sahara and on 2000 realese Chrysalis's albums and Dèsirs Contraires. and the Open Hearts (2002), Luminescence (2005) and Luminescence Special Edition (2006).
Anggun have become international singer. Her figure up to now productive regular and well-nigh every year realese new album. Severally her album success penetrates international music market until sold a million copy. But such constant indonesian people which also bustles around Jakarta Paris. Even its album Anggun (Indonesia and Malaysia) (1999) and Best Of (Indonesia) (2006) at allotment for Asia market.
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